I'm sharing some photos I've taken of some of the things that inspire me, either in design, my art, or style.
A collage board is a great way to display photos, paint samples, magazine clippings, fabric samples, etc.
Nature is always inspiring. There are so many pretty colors if you just take the time to look around. I love the last picture I took last fall, capturing the sun's rays.
The clothing pieces and accessories that I love have a direct affect on my designs and art as well. I believe that dressing is an art. The accessories are the what pull your whole look together, in a room or outfit.
Keep your head up and your eyes open because anything you see can be something inspiring. There is so much beauty in the world if you take the time to notice it. I'd love to hear of the things that inspire you!
Thank you for stopping by! Have a Fabulous Day and Be Inspired!
Emily :)
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